Friday, 21 October 2016

Sims 2 Section Finished

At long last the Sims 2 downloads section has been finished. There are one or two small cosmetic tweaks needed, but they are not a priority at the moment.

Over the next few weeks I'll be adding the Sims 3 and 4 downloads, tutorials, member blogs and sorting out the message boards in the forums.

The Sims 2 section was by far the largest, which is why I started there, and I'm so glad it's finally done. I'll be backing up the site and database as I have no desire to do all of that again! :)

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


Oh, I'm such a numpty! I'd almost finished posting all of the Sims 2 content, along with each and every comment, when I realised I'd forgotten to assign the posts to their original owners! So, now I'm in the process of going through them all again and changing the owner of each post.

So, if you are wanting to test the site and have previously uploaded items, don't worry if you see something you've posted but can't edit or delete it - I'm getting there!

I'll soon be starting on the Sims 3, Sims 4, Tutorials and blog sections - then I'll be asking for volunteers to thoroughly test the site and provide feedback. If you are interested, please leave your details on our homepage. :)

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Testers Wanted

If you have previously uploaded content to our site, we would love to invite you to test our upload forms on the new site. At the moment, we have only created forms for Sims 2 lots and buy mode items. You can apply for site access here:

Monday, 3 October 2016

At the moment, there is no way to track downloads on the new site. :( We know this is probably a major issue, and we will continue looking at ways to implement a downloads counter, but at the moment is just isn't possible, sorry.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

We're still working on the look, but it's looking simpler and much easier to navigate. This is just a very early version of the new website; it's going to be a long ride as every post and every comment has to be transferred manually! We appreciate your patience! :)

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

We are currently undergoing a MAJOR overhaul of our website. There will be different software, different features and a whole different look!

We have decided to do this as our old site contained features that were not used and caused unnecessary bloating and slowed the site down. We hope this new site will have more appeal and be much easier to use.

This overhaul is likely to take several weeks, or even months, time permitting, so we hope it doesn't put you off from visiting.

Our blog will give updates as we have them, so feel free to bookmark it for future reference.

You can also add your details here and we will let you know when we are ready to launch. Your details will never be used for any other purpose and will be deleted once our notification has been sent.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Site update complete

The major updates have been completed. We have also added several themes that can be accessed form the drop-down box at the bottom-left of every page.

We hope to add more themes for our members to choose from, but it takes time to edit all of the templates, so this will be done whenever time permits.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Site Update In Progress

Although we have updated our theme, we still need to update the site to install all of the latest security patches. Please check back later. :)